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Health First is Vermont’s Independent Practice Association representing health care practitioners working at physician-owned practices throughout the state. We are a non-profit organization helping doctors in private practices succeed and connecting Vermonters with lower cost, high quality health care providers.
Our mission is to promote and foster the long-term success of independent healthcare practices throughout Vermont. Health First offers resources, education and support to independent practices so they can continue to bring a high quality personal care option to their patients in the current healthcare climate. Health First also provides a unified voice for small independent physicians seeking to impact the direction of health reform efforts.
Our independent practice has reaped many benefits from our Health First membership. The most tangible is the savings on our medical malpractice premiums - this alone more than covers membership dues. In addition, Health First’s listserv and regular meetings give us easy access to other members who are eager to collaboratively address the challenges unique to independent practices. Information and ideas are shared on many topics including healthcare reform, regulation and compliance, EMR utilization, workflow optimization, and practice policies. These resources are invaluable to me as Practice Manager of a small office. Before joining Health First, we questioned if it was worth our money, wondering what was in it for us. We don’t wonder anymore! Health First has proven to be an invaluable resource to us as well as the overall Vermont healthcare industry. We are extremely proud to be Health First members, and highly recommend this forward-thinking association to our peers.

Mary Lahiff, Practice Manager
Richmond, VermontAfter 24 years of practice in Family Medicine, I find myself feeling frustrated with the possibility of not being able to continue as a private practitioner for much longer. I left a faculty position 20 years ago, and an employed position 10 years ago, and I know that even with the challenges of practice ownership, I can provide the most personal, quality and accountable care in private practice. As valuable as my practice is to Vermonters, one thing is certain, I need options. I need an organization that will actively work to support my practice as it changes and to help shape those changes...not from an institutional perspective...but from my and my patients' view. Being part of an organized effort, designed and directed by physicians, will at least offer us a rare opportunity not only of survival, but of prosperity and satisfaction in practice.

Paul Reiss, M.D., Family Medicine
Burlington, VermontMy small (2 physician) ophthalmology practice struggles every day. After having spent 8 years in a medical center controlled employment environment before striking out on my own 5 years ago I am certain that I do not want to return to my former model (or anything like it). The private medical practices in our region need an organization under which we can identify and work together to solve problems that exist across areas of clinical practice, and the most effective and forceful way do to do that will be at a statewide level. Please join us as member of Health First and consider an investment in the future of your practice and your patients' needs.

David Weissgold, M.D., Ophthalmology
South Burlington, Vermont